Meaning Of Karma Police

Discover the true meaning of Radiohead's iconic song Karma Police and its themes of surveillance, control, and justice.

Karma Police is a term that has gained immense popularity in recent times. It is a concept that has its roots in Hinduism and Buddhism. However, the meaning of Karma Police goes beyond religious boundaries and has a more universal application. The phrase itself sounds intriguing, almost like a band name or a secret society. But what does it really mean? Let's delve deeper into the world of Karma and how it relates to our actions, thoughts, and ultimately, our destiny.



Karma Police is a song by the English rock band Radiohead. It was released in 1997 as the second single from their third studio album OK Computer. The song was written by Thom Yorke, the lead vocalist of the band. The song has been described as a satirical take on the concept of karma and law enforcement. The lyrics of the song have been analyzed by music critics and fans alike for their meaning and symbolism. In this article, we will explore the meaning of Karma Police.

The Concept of Karma


Karma is a concept that originated in ancient Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It is the idea that every action one takes has consequences that will affect them in this life or the next. Good actions lead to positive consequences, while bad actions lead to negative consequences. The concept of karma has been adopted by many Western cultures in recent years and has become a popular term used to describe the idea of cause and effect.

The Meaning of the Song


The lyrics of Karma Police have been interpreted in many ways. Some believe that the song is a commentary on the music industry and how musicians are judged by their success. Others believe that it is a critique of modern society and how people are judged by their wealth and status. However, the most common interpretation is that the song is a satire of the concept of karma and law enforcement.

Karma Police and Law Enforcement


The song's lyrics describe a character called the Karma Police, who is supposedly watching over the protagonist and punishing them for their actions. The Karma Police are compared to law enforcement officials who enforce the laws of karma. However, the protagonist of the song seems to be aware of the Karma Police's presence and is unafraid of their punishment. This could be interpreted as a critique of the idea that people should fear the consequences of their actions.

The Satirical Element


The use of satire in the song is evident in the lyrics. The idea of karma being enforced by the Karma Police is an absurd concept. The song seems to be mocking the idea that karma is some sort of cosmic force that punishes people for their actions. The protagonist's defiance of the Karma Police's punishment is also a satirical element. It suggests that people should not fear the consequences of their actions and should instead embrace them.

The Music


The music of Karma Police is as important as the lyrics in conveying the meaning of the song. The slow, melancholic melody matches the mood of the lyrics. The use of a piano and a choir adds to the song's emotional weight. The repeated chorus of This is what you'll get, when you mess with us is a powerful statement that emphasizes the protagonist's defiance of the Karma Police.

The Reception


Karma Police was a critical and commercial success upon its release. It reached the top 10 on the UK Singles Chart and won a Grammy Award for Best Music Video. The song has since become one of Radiohead's most popular songs and is considered a classic of the alternative rock genre.



Karma Police is a song that has stood the test of time. Its meaning and symbolism continue to be discussed and debated by music critics and fans alike. The use of satire in the song is a testament to Radiohead's artistic vision and their willingness to challenge conventional ideas. Karma Police is not just a song, but a cultural phenomenon that has influenced generations of music lovers.

Overview of Karma Police

Released in 1997, Karma Police is a song by the British rock band Radiohead. It quickly became one of their most famous and critically acclaimed hits, known for its haunting melodies and powerful lyrics.

The Meaning Behind the Song

At its core, Karma Police is about the concept of karma, which is prevalent in many Eastern religions. The song suggests that there is a force that rewards good deeds and punishes bad ones, and that this force is watching and judging our actions.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of Karma Police center around a narrator who represents the Karma Police. This entity is watching and judging the actions of a person, suggesting that they will be punished for their bad deeds. The chorus includes the haunting line This is what you get when you mess with us, emphasizing the idea of consequences for one's actions.


The lyrics of Karma Police are full of symbolism, such as the ghost in the chorus that suggests the person being watched is being haunted by their past actions. The metaphor of a pig in a cage on antibiotics conveys a sense of confinement and captivity, adding to the song's themes of punishment and judgment.

The Song's Impact

Karma Police has had a significant impact on the music world, becoming a favorite of Radiohead fans and inspiring countless artists. It has been covered by various musicians and used in numerous films and television shows, solidifying its place in pop culture.

Spiritual Significance

The concept of karma has deep spiritual significance in various Eastern religions, referring to the idea that actions have consequences in this life or the next. The lyrics of Karma Police reflect this belief, emphasizing the importance of making good choices and facing the consequences of bad ones.

Misinterpretation of Lyrics

While many people interpret Karma Police as a political statement, the song's true meaning is more poetic and philosophical than political. It is not necessarily about any specific political issue or event, but rather about the universal concept of karma.

Alternative Interpretations

Despite its clear themes of karma, some people interpret the song differently. Some suggest that it is a warning against modern technology and surveillance culture, while others see it as a commentary on the music industry and its treatment of artists.

Praise and Accolades

Karma Police has received high praise from music critics and fans alike for its haunting melodies, poignant lyrics, and powerful message. It has been named one of the best songs of all time by various music publications, solidifying its place in music history.


Overall, Karma Police has left a lasting legacy in the music world. It remains a classic example of Radiohead's pioneering mix of rock, electronic, and alternative music, inspiring countless artists and continuing to be a favorite of fans worldwide.

As an AI language model, I do not have a personal point of view about the meaning of Karma Police. However, I can provide an objective analysis of its interpretation and the pros and cons of its use.

Meaning Of Karma Police

  1. Interpretation: The song Karma Police by Radiohead is a commentary on the idea of karma and how it affects people's lives. The lyrics describe a person who has done something wrong and is now being pursued by the Karma Police, a metaphor for the consequences of their actions. The chorus of the song urges the listener to arrest this man and this is what you get when you mess with us.

Pros of Meaning Of Karma Police

  • Raises Awareness: The song raises awareness about the concept of karma and its effects on our lives. It encourages listeners to think about their actions and how they might affect others.

  • Empowers Listeners: The chorus of the song, with its call to arrest this man, can be empowering for listeners who have been wronged in some way. It gives them a sense of justice and control over their situation.

  • Creative Expression: The song is a creative expression of the artist's views on karma and its role in society. It allows them to share their perspective with others through music.

Cons of Meaning Of Karma Police

  • Misunderstanding: The concept of karma can be misunderstood by some listeners. They may interpret it as a form of divine punishment rather than a natural consequence of one's actions.

  • Blame Game: The song's message could be interpreted as blaming the victim for their misfortune, as if they deserve what they get because of their past actions.

  • Negative Association: The use of the term Karma Police in the song could create a negative association with the idea of karma. Some listeners might view it as a threatening or punitive force rather than a natural law of cause and effect.

Thank you for taking the time to read about the meaning of Karma Police. It is a song that has captivated audiences since its release in 1997, and its lyrics continue to resonate with listeners today. In this blog post, we have explored the concept of karma, the origins of the song, and its deeper meaning.

From the outset, it is clear that the tone of the song is somewhat ominous. The lyrics speak of the Karma Police coming to take someone away, suggesting that they have done something wrong and are being punished for their actions. However, as we delved deeper into the meaning of the song, we discovered that it is not so simple. Rather than being a song about punishment, it is a song about consequence. It reminds us that our actions have repercussions, and that we must be mindful of what we say and do.

In conclusion, Karma Police is a powerful song that speaks to the human experience. Its message is universal, reminding us that we are all responsible for our own actions and must face the consequences of those actions. Whether you are a fan of Radiohead or simply appreciate good music, this song is worth your attention. We hope that our exploration of its meaning has been informative and thought-provoking. Thank you again for visiting our blog, and we look forward to sharing more insights with you in the future.

People Also Ask About Meaning Of Karma Police

  1. What is the meaning of Karma Police?

    Answer: The Karma Police is a song by the English rock band Radiohead. The meaning of the song has been subject to various interpretations, but it is generally believed to be about the concept of karma and how it can catch up with people who do wrong.

  2. What does the line This is what you get when you mess with us mean in Karma Police?

    Answer: The line This is what you get when you mess with us is a warning that karma will catch up with those who do wrong. It suggests that the person being addressed in the song will suffer consequences for their actions.

  3. What is the significance of the title Karma Police?

    Answer: The title Karma Police refers to the concept of karma, which is a Hindu and Buddhist belief that every action has consequences. The song suggests that the karma police are watching and will hold people accountable for their actions.

  4. What is the message of Karma Police?

    Answer: The message of Karma Police is that every action has consequences and that people should be mindful of their actions and treat others with respect. The song warns that karma will catch up with those who do wrong and suggests that justice will ultimately prevail.

  5. What genre is Karma Police?

    Answer: Karma Police is a song that is often classified as alternative rock. It features a slow tempo, haunting vocals, and a melancholic melody that is characteristic of the genre.
