Meaning Of Monkey See Monkey Do

Monkey See Monkey Do is an idiom that describes the behavior of someone who imitates or copies others without thinking for themselves.

The saying monkey see monkey do is a phrase that has been around for quite some time. It's a simple yet powerful statement that can be applied in many different situations. Essentially, it means that people tend to imitate the actions of those around them, especially if they perceive them as influential or successful. As such, this phrase has become a cornerstone of social and behavioral psychology, as researchers continue to explore the nuances of human behavior and the ways in which we are influenced by our environments. In this article, we will delve deeper into the meaning of monkey see monkey do, exploring its implications for our lives and how we can harness its power to create positive change.


“Monkey see, monkey do” is a popular saying that has been around for centuries. It refers to the tendency of humans to imitate the actions of others, especially those in authority or those who are seen as successful. While this phrase is often used in a negative context, it can also have positive implications. In this article, we will explore the meaning of “monkey see, monkey do” and its significance in our lives.


The origin of the saying “monkey see, monkey do” is not clear. However, it is believed to have originated from an African proverb that says, “A monkey that sees a banana will open its eyes wider.” Over time, the saying has evolved to mean that people tend to mimic the actions of others, whether good or bad.

The Negative Implications

In many cases, “monkey see, monkey do” is used in a negative context. For example, when children imitate the behavior of adults who smoke or drink alcohol, they are said to be “monkey see, monkey do.” This is because they are simply copying what they see without understanding the consequences of their actions. This can lead to harmful behavior and negative outcomes.

The Positive Implications

While “monkey see, monkey do” is often associated with negative behavior, it can also have positive implications. For example, when children see their parents reading books or engaging in physical activity, they are more likely to develop these habits themselves. This shows that imitation can also lead to positive outcomes.

The Influence of Peers

Peers have a significant influence on our behavior, especially during adolescence. When teenagers see their friends engaging in risky behavior, they are more likely to do the same. This is because they want to fit in and be accepted by their peers. However, this can also lead to negative outcomes, such as drug abuse or criminal behavior.

The Role of Media

The media also plays a significant role in shaping our behavior. When we see celebrities or influencers promoting certain products or lifestyles, we may be tempted to imitate them. This can lead to positive outcomes, such as adopting a healthier lifestyle, or negative outcomes, such as overspending or engaging in risky behavior.

Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the cycle of “monkey see, monkey do” can be challenging, but it is possible. It requires a conscious effort to evaluate our actions and the actions of others. We must learn to think critically and make informed decisions based on our own values and beliefs. This can help us avoid negative behavior and pursue positive outcomes.

The Importance of Role Models

Having positive role models is essential for breaking the cycle of “monkey see, monkey do.” When we see others who embody the qualities and behaviors that we want to emulate, we are more likely to adopt those behaviors ourselves. This is why it is important to surround ourselves with people who inspire us and align with our values.


“Monkey see, monkey do” is a saying that has been around for centuries. While it is often associated with negative behavior, it can also have positive implications. It is up to us to evaluate our actions and the actions of others and make informed decisions based on our own values and beliefs. By doing so, we can break the cycle of “monkey see, monkey do” and pursue positive outcomes.


Monkey See Monkey Do is a well-known idiomatic expression that refers to the act of imitating or copying someone else's behavior. This phrase has been used for centuries and is widely recognized in different cultures around the world. In this article, we will explore the origin of the phrase, its psychological and neurological underpinnings, as well as its impact on personal growth and social influence.

Origin of the phrase

The Monkey See Monkey Do expression has its roots in ancient Indian mythology, specifically in the story of Hanuman, the monkey god. Hanuman was known for his ability to copy the actions of his divine master Rama, and his followers would often imitate his behavior. Over time, this concept became popularized and spread across different cultures, leading to the widespread use of the expression today.

Behavioral science perspective

From a psychological standpoint, the Monkey See Monkey Do effect is a fundamental aspect of human behavior. It reflects our innate tendency to learn by observing and mimicking the behaviors of others. This effect is particularly strong in children, who are more likely to imitate the actions of adults around them. However, it also applies to adults, who are influenced by the behaviors of their peers and role models.

Neuroscience perspective

Recent research in neuroscience has shed light on the neurological basis of the Monkey See Monkey Do effect. Mirror neurons in the human brain are responsible for this phenomenon, allowing us to simulate the actions and emotions of other people. When we see someone perform an action, our mirror neurons fire, creating a mental representation of the action in our own brains. This allows us to understand and imitate the behavior we observe.

Cultural context

The Monkey See Monkey Do expression is recognized and used in different cultures around the world, demonstrating its universal meaning and appeal. In some cultures, the expression is used to emphasize the importance of following in the footsteps of elders or respected figures. In others, it is used to caution against the dangers of blindly following others.

Educational impact

The Monkey See Monkey Do effect can be leveraged to enhance learning and teaching. By encouraging students to observe and imitate the behaviors of successful role models, educators can facilitate the acquisition of new skills and knowledge. This approach is particularly effective in fields such as sports, music, and art, where imitation and practice are essential for mastery.

Negative impact

However, the Monkey See Monkey Do effect can also have negative consequences. Peer pressure and conformity are examples of how this effect can lead people to adopt harmful or unethical behaviors. In some cases, individuals may blindly follow the crowd, without critically evaluating the consequences of their actions.

Personal growth

By being aware of the Monkey See Monkey Do effect, individuals can learn to resist the influence of others and develop their authentic voice and personality. This involves cultivating a sense of self-awareness and critical thinking, which allows one to make deliberate choices and act with intention.

Social influence

In the age of social media, the Monkey See Monkey Do effect is more pronounced than ever. People are constantly exposed to the behaviors of others through online platforms, leading to increased pressure to conform and imitate others. This can have both positive and negative consequences, depending on the actions being imitated.


In conclusion, the Monkey See Monkey Do effect is a powerful force shaping our behavior and identity. While it can be harnessed for positive outcomes, it can also lead to negative consequences if not managed appropriately. By being conscious and intentional in our actions and choices, we can resist the influence of others and develop our authentic selves.

The phrase Monkey see, monkey do is a common expression that refers to the act of imitating someone else's behavior without understanding its purpose or significance. It reflects the idea that people often mimic the actions of those around them without thinking critically about why they are doing so.

There are several pros and cons to the meaning of monkey see, monkey do.


  1. Easy learning:

    One of the pros of this phrase is that it can make learning new things easier. By watching others, we can often pick up on their habits and behaviors, which can help us understand how to do something quickly. This can be particularly useful in situations where we need to learn a new skill or adapt to a new environment.
  2. Socialization:

    Another benefit of monkey see, monkey do is that it can help us fit in socially. By mimicking the behavior of those around us, we can become part of a group and feel more connected to others. This can be important for our mental health and well-being.
  3. Efficiency:

    Finally, this phrase can lead to greater efficiency in some situations. For example, if we see someone else doing a task in a particular way, we might be able to copy their technique and complete the task more quickly than if we had to figure it out on our own.


  1. Lack of critical thinking:

    One of the major cons of monkey see, monkey do is that it can discourage critical thinking. If we simply copy what others are doing without questioning why, we may miss out on important information or fail to understand the rationale behind certain actions.
  2. Copying bad behavior:

    Another potential downside of this phrase is that it can lead us to copy bad behavior. If we see others engaging in harmful or unethical actions, we may be more likely to do the same if we are simply following their lead.
  3. Loss of individuality:

    Finally, monkey see, monkey do can result in a loss of individuality. If we always mimic the actions of those around us, we may struggle to develop our own unique personality and way of doing things.

In conclusion, the meaning of monkey see, monkey do has both pros and cons. While it can make learning easier and help us fit in socially, it can also discourage critical thinking, lead us to copy bad behavior, and result in a loss of individuality. As with any saying or expression, it is important to consider its implications carefully before applying it to our lives.

Hello, dear blog visitors! It is time to wrap up our discussion on the meaning of the phrase monkey see, monkey do. Throughout this article, we have explored the origins and interpretations of this popular idiom. We have learned that it refers to the tendency of humans to imitate the actions and behaviors of others without much thought or reflection.

As we discussed, this phrase has both positive and negative connotations. On one hand, it can be seen as a way to encourage people to model virtuous and admirable behaviors. On the other hand, it can also be used to criticize individuals who blindly follow the crowd without considering the consequences of their actions.

Overall, it is important to recognize that monkey see, monkey do is a complex and multifaceted phrase. While it can be used to encourage positive behavior, we should also be aware of its potential to perpetuate harmful patterns of behavior. By being mindful and intentional in our actions, we can strive to break free from the limitations of this phrase and make decisions that reflect our individual values and beliefs.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of exploration and reflection. We hope that this article has given you a deeper understanding of the meaning of monkey see, monkey do and its implications for our lives. Remember, the power to choose our own path is always within our grasp, and by making conscious choices, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and those around us.

People Also Ask about Meaning of Monkey See Monkey Do

Monkey see monkey do is an idiom that refers to the act of imitating or copying someone else's actions. This phrase is often used to describe behavior that is mindless, unoriginal or lacking in creativity.

Here are some common questions that people ask about the meaning of monkey see monkey do:

  1. What does monkey see monkey do mean?
  2. The phrase monkey see monkey do means that people tend to imitate or copy the actions of others without thinking about them first. It is often used to describe behavior that is unoriginal or lacking in creativity.

  3. Where does monkey see monkey do come from?
  4. The origin of the phrase monkey see monkey do is unclear, but it is thought to have originated from an African proverb. The phrase became more widely known in the 1920s and 1930s when it was used in popular culture.

  5. Is monkey see monkey do a good thing?
  6. It depends on the context. If someone is copying the positive behavior of another person, then monkey see monkey do can be a good thing. However, if someone is mindlessly copying negative or harmful behavior, then monkey see monkey do can be a bad thing.

  7. How can I avoid monkey see monkey do behavior?
  8. To avoid monkey see monkey do behavior, it is important to think critically about the actions of others before imitating them. Ask yourself whether the behavior is positive or negative, and whether it aligns with your own values and beliefs.

  9. Is monkey see monkey do a form of flattery?
  10. Monkey see monkey do can be seen as a form of flattery if someone is imitating positive behavior. However, it can also be seen as a lack of creativity or originality.

Overall, the phrase monkey see monkey do is a reminder to think critically about the actions of others before imitating them. While copying positive behavior can be a good thing, mindlessly following negative behavior can be harmful. It is important to use your own judgment and values when deciding whether or not to imitate someone else's actions.
